Advanced PG Diploma in Renewable Energy, Teri University

Advanced  PG  Diploma  distance  learning  programme in Renewable Energy is being  offered  by  TERI  University.  Last Date for applying is 30th June, 2013.

It  gives  an  opportunity to learn about the fastest growing sector in the world, sitting in the comfort of your home/office.

 Programme Details:

-              A two years Advanced PG Diploma with an exit option after a year leadingto a PG Diploma in Renewable Energy

-              Covers technologies such as solar, Wind and biomass, growing at a doubledigit rate

-              Study through web-based Virtual Learning Environment

-              Lectures  from  renowned  experts  in  each  field  during  face-to-faceinteraction or through webinars

-              Developed in collaboration with UK Open University and Ministry of New &Renewable Energy, Government of India

-              Approved by Distance Education Council (DEC), India

-              Open for International students also


A bachelors degree in Mathematics/Physical Science/Technology or equivalent with  minimum  cumulative grade point average of 6.0 on a 10 point scale or equivalent  as  determined  by  TERI University, wherever letter grades are awarded,  or  55%  marks  in  aggregate  (of  all  years/semesters  of  the qualifying examinations) wherever marks are awarded.

More Details:

For  more  information  about  the  programme,  kindly go through the link:   or  contact  the  University  for further details at the below mentioned.

With regards,

TERI University

Phone: +91 11 26122222, 26139110, 26139011


You Tube Presentation on the Future of European Climate Policymaking

Matthias Duwe of the German Think Tank Ecologic recently spoke on the future of European climate policy making as part of our EPC Forum Series. The presentation is available on our You Tube channel:

Does the EU-ETS Drive Technological Innovation?

For instructors who include a module on the European Union’s Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS), and/or critiques of cap and trade mechanisms, the Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, an Italian research institute, published an excellent report in 2012 assessing the effectiveness of the EU-ETS in driving low carbon technology options. The report summarizes a study conducted by the institute in which it used a constructed data set linking 8.5 million European companies with their patenting history and regulatory status to test the thesis that the EU-ETS has helped to drive development of low-carbon technologies.  

Among the take-aways from the report:

  1. The most important determinant of the long-run cost of emissions abatement may be the potential for environmental policies to drive technological innovation;
  2. The EU-ETS to date “appears to have had virtually no impact” on low-carbon technological change;
  3. The primary impact of the EU-ETS to date appears to be driving some fuel-switching. However, fuel-switching only has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emission by 300 tons annually, which is only 10% of the cuts that must be effectuated in the EU to meet its goal of reducing emissions by 80% by 2050 from 1990 levels;
  4. As currently configured, “demand-pull policies” such as the EU-ETS may not be sufficient to drive low-carbon technological change. As is the case with pollution, which is driven by market failures, “under-innovation” is driven by the same phenomenon.

This reading could stimulate some good discussion on both the future of the EU-ETS and cap-and-trade policies more generally. Among potentially pertinent discussion questions:

  1. This study was limited to the first phase of the EU-ETS; is there reason to believe that it contributed more to technological innovation during the second phase  of implementation, maybe in the upcoming third phase?;
  2. What additional measures should the EU take either within or outside the framework of the EU-ETS to drive technological innovation?;
  3. What has been the experience to date of other cap and trade systems (e.g. RGGI) in driving technological change?


New online climate course by UBC

Climate Literacy: Navigating Climate Change Conversations

This free online course from the University of British Columbiaintroduces the basics of the Earth’s climate system, climate models and predictions, the natural and human impacts of climate change, potential responses, and the evolution of climate policy.

You will learn how to:

§  Analyze the science behind climate change

§  Assess the demographic, economic and political factors that accelerate climate change

§  Evaluate mitigation strategies that address the causes of climate change

§  Explain key adaptation strategies that help us respond to climate change

§  Investigate the links between climate change and economic resilience, health, poverty, and environmental problems such as biodiversity and water quality

Course instructors

§  Dr. Sara Harris, Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences, UBC

DDr. Sarah Burch, Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability, UBC

Register for free at

View the course introduction on YouTube (2:06).

About this course

 Climate Literacy is delivered as a MOOC – Massive Open Online Course – through Coursera and is sponsored by UBC Continuing Studies Centre for Sustainability at the University of British Columbia.

Learn with others worldwide. Starts May 20, 2013.

New Adaptation Short Course

The Global Climate Adaptation Partnership (GCAP), working with the University of Oxford Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, is excited to offer the 2013 Adaptation Academy Foundation Course: Creating Climate Adaptation Leaders aiming to support decision making in a changing environment.

Now in our fourth year, the Adaptation Academy is a leading climate adaptation training programme, supporting participants in developing technical and leadership skills in climate adaptation through actual project work and practical case studies. We constantly refine and shape the course based on the learning and feedback from previous years, ensuring that we remain a global leader in climate adaptation training. 

Climate adaptation requires champions, leaders and agents of change. Join us next August and immerse yourself in the Foundation Course. Emerge transformed. Be prepared to find adaptation solutions for some of the most profound challenges ever to face the world and build a strong foundation for integrating climate adaptation into your work. Join world-renowned alumni and the leading global network of climate adaptation.

From the halls of an Oxford college, explore your role, make new and binding friendships with future leaders, raise the bar on your own thinking and potential by rubbing shoulders with an internationally renowned academic community, learn first-hand from expert practitioners and be inspired by leading intellectuals pioneering revolutionary interventions.


The Foundation Course integrates four central learning themes:

1.      Participants’ role as change makers

2.      Causal chains of climate science

3.      Adaptation as a process

4.      Project/Program development

Building on these four central themes, we have developed a range of different modules and exercises to bridge knowledge and application, theory and practice. The content of the 2013 Foundation Course will be:

·Concepts of climate change, risk, vulnerability and adaptation

·Analysing climate data for change and variability – trends and extreme events

·Using climate change scenarios – uncertainty, probability, climate envelopes

·Theory of change, leadership skills and communicating climate risks

·Assessing vulnerability and impacts

·Mapping socio-institutional networks, information flows and needs

·National, sectoral, urban and local strategies and measures

·Disaster risk reduction

·Economics of adaptation and adaptation finance

·Screening adaptation options to develop sound projects

·Monitoring, evaluation and learning in adaptation pathways

·Project development and practical skills development

Places are filling up and only a few remain! Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to revolutionise your thinking and take steps towards becoming an effective change maker.

The 2013 Adaptation Academy Foundation Course runs from the 12-30 August 2013, Oxford UK.

For more information, check out the Academy website ( or contact Mica Longanecker, the Academy Coordinator, at .


Apply directly online for the course here!